The 6m Low-Disturbance Toolbar now has the ability to be used in-front of trailed machines or can also have a packer roller added to allow the machine to be used as a low disturbance loosener, providing a full package to current and new customers who rely on versatility and flexible farming techniques.
The depth control for the roller is achieved using pins each side of the frame which allows the packer roller to be independent of the toolbar parallel linkage system. This allows you to lift/lower the loosening tines and disc without interfering with the packer setup if required. The packer frame can then be removed (leaving all the bolt on bracketry assembled to the rear of the 6m LDT) by just removing the two main pivot pins and driving away from the packer on its stands.
The 6m LDT Packer Roller Frame offers the ability to use the toolbar as a low disturbance loosener.
Whilst having the roller on the back of the machine, the toolbar still has the ability to lift and lower the cultivating legs and discs within the frame/chassis whilst not interrupting the rear roller.
This feature allows the machine to be used on it's own or once the packer is removed it's back in front of trailed machines again.
One of the key attributes of the machine is that it provides options for the farmer.
Connecting the 6m LDT to the Removable Packer Frame is quick and easy. All bracketry that set the packer frame depth etc. along with the rear hitch in the toolbar do not need to be moved. This allows for the toolbar to be connected to a trailed machine very easily whilst also allowing the packer roller to be mounted back onto the toolbar with minimal hassle.
To enhance the use of the 6m LDT and packer frame we offer to mount seeder applicators onto the frame to allow the machine to be used for sewing OSR and cover crops etc.
A rear access platform and seed outlet brackets can be added to allow the machine to place the seed accurately behind the low disturbance tines or to broadcast across the working width of the machine.
We offer the Removable Packer Roller (RPR) in three widths: 3m, 4m & 6m
Picture above of a Grange 6m LDT with seeder applicator drilling OSR direct into barley stubble in August #onepass #directdrilling
Using the Grange 6m LDT into stubble which had a light pass with the Carrier first to incorporate muck, OSR planted at 0.5m centres.